CASE STUDY: Futureproofing Your Retirement

Velma, 72, has recently moved from Sydney to Victor Harbor, SA to make the most of her retirement in this idyllic coastal area. As she gets older, Velma can see the need to futureproof her new home due to growing health concerns.

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Reading time: 4 min

Relying on a regular pension and savings to fund day to day expenses, most of Velma’s wealth is tied up in property and other illiquid assets – which she is reluctant to sell. But as a person who doesn’t like to leave anything to chance, Velma feels the necessary modifications to her home are best addressed sooner rather than later. She needs access to funds quickly to get on the front foot of planned renovations.

After discussion with her close circle, Velma heard about Inviva and how their home equity release loan may be just the solution for her predicament.  

Using the equity in her investment property, Velma could access a loan of $100,000 - split 80% lump sum and 20% line of credit. This has allowed her to cover immediate renovation expenses and set up an easily accessible emergency fund, should any health issues arise.

When the renovations are complete, Velma will have a home that allows her to truly enjoy her retirement in comfort and free of worry - with the added benefit of growing her home value and increasing her financial security! She plans to repay the loan potentially by partially selling her long-term investments, a decision that Velma is glad she has not needed to rush into.

When the time is right, Velma has a few options regarding repayment of the loan. She could simply have the loan repaid out of her estate upon her passing, sell her investment property, or as planned, liquidate some of her assets. Whatever option she chooses, Velma is grateful that she will have the time to carefully make the right decision for her.

“Accessing the equity in my home allowed me to free up the funds to make the renovations to my home. I’m happy, thriving in my new community, and ready for whatever life throws at me!”  - Velma

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