Using your home equity to consolidate debt

Using a home equity release loan to consolidate debt can be an effective financial strategy, offering several key benefits. You could use the proceeds of the loan to potentially pay off other high-interest debts, such as credit card balances or personal loans, consolidating these into a single, manageable payment.

Happy man who's taken out home equity loan carries grand daughter

What are the benefits?

Here are some key benefits worth considering when using your home equity to consolidate and manage debt:


Free up cashflow

Unlike a traditional home loan, a home equity release loan (also called a reverse mortgage) does not require regular monthly repayments which can become challenging as people transition to retirement. This can free up cash flow, allowing you to allocate funds to other essential expenses or savings, providing greater financial flexibility.

Lower interest rates

Home equity release loans typically come at a lower interest rate compared to unsecured debts like credit cards and personal loans. By consolidating your higher-interest debts into a home equity release loan, you could reduce the amount of interest you pay over time, making it easier to pay down your debt.

Simplified finances

Managing multiple debt payments each month can be overwhelming and increase the risk of missed payments. By consolidating your debts into a single loan, you streamline your finances, reducing the number of monthly payments you need to keep track of. This simplification can help you stay organized and on top of your financial obligations.
In summary, using a home equity release loan for debt consolidation can help you reduce interest costs, simplify your finances, and improve your cashflow.

However, it’s important to remember that unless you choose to make interest repayments, your loan balance will increase over time, and the equity you hold in the property will likely reduce. While often this increased cost can be offset by potential property appreciation, it’s important to consider all possible scenarios as well as the impact on any inheritance you may wish to leave behind.

With careful planning and responsible borrowing, this strategy can be a smart move towards achieving financial stability and a more comfortable retirement.

Meet John*

Since finishing work in 2022, John, a 70-year-old retiree from Gosford NSW, found himself struggling with multiple financial burdens. He had accumulated significant credit card debt and still owed $45,000 on his mortgage. While he had his pension and some superannuation savings he could draw on, managing the monthly repayments on the mortgage and credit cards was becoming increasingly challenging.

John felt like he was on a treadmill of coping month to month instead of enjoying the comfortable retiree lifestyle he had planned.

John decided to explore the option of a reverse mortgage, which allowed him to convert part of his home equity into cash without selling his house. After consulting with a financial advisor, he contacted Inviva and took out a loan of $180,000 secured against his home, which was valued at $860,000.
Cool couple enjoying their own home
Cool couple enjoying their own home

How Inviva helped

With the new loan, John was able to consolidate his credit card debt, pay off the remaining $65,000 mortgage balance, thereby eliminating monthly mortgage and credit card repayments. This significantly reduced his financial stress and freed up his monthly cash flow.

The Inviva loan provided John with an additional amount of $95,000 which he took as a line of credit to be accessed as and when he needed it. Initially he travelled to visit his grandchildren in Perth, and is currently planning a long-desired trip to the UK and some minor home improvements to enhance his living environment.

This financial move transformed John’s retirement, giving him the freedom to enjoy this time without the constant worry of monthly repayments, all while staying in the family home in Gosford. In a few years, John plans to sell his home and downsize to a smaller unit or lifestyle village and aims to repay the loan with the proceeds at that time.
“Taking out a reverse mortgage was a game-changer for me. It gave me the financial freedom to enjoy my retirement. Now, I can travel, visit my grandchildren, and live comfortably in my home without the stress of ongoing monthly repayments.”
- John  
*Case studies and quotes are illustrative of and inspired by some of our customers’ experiences.

Why choose Inviva?

  • Expertise & support — our team has years of experience and offers personalised support
  • Transparent costs — no hidden fees, and you know all costs upfront
  • Flexible options — choose how you access the funds - as a lump sum, regular income payment or a line of credit - and enjoy the flexibility to repay early with no early repayment fees
  • Quick access — fast approval and disbursement mean you get funds when you need them
Explore how a home equity release loan with Inviva can help you enjoy a more secure and fulfilling retirement.
Cool couple enjoying their own home