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Once you've got your free home valuation and found out how much you can release, click Apply Now in the calculator to take you straight to the application.


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Current estimated property value ranges are estimates only – please see the above “CoreLogic copyright notice and disclaimers” for further information about the basis of preparation. A CoreLogic estimate may not be available in all circumstances in which case we will ask you to provide your own estimated property value. You may also elect to provide your own estimated property value. Where you provide your own estimate, we use it as the basis for calculations and projections in this home equity calculator. We will otherwise use the CoreLogic estimated property value as the basis for calculations and projections in this home equity calculator.

Estimated future property values and changes in property values are based on a projected annual change in property value of 3%. This figure is more conservative than the average annual change in property values of over 6% within Australia over the past 10 years. Any projections or estimated property values are indicative only.

The projections or estimates may be affected by inaccurate assumptions or by known or unknown risks and uncertainties, and may differ materially from results ultimately achieved. The potential maximum loan amount shown is indicative only. Applications for credit are subject to eligibility and lending criteria and actual loan amounts will only be determined following submission and assessment of your application and property valuation.

Free Home Equity Release Loan Guide

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