Refinance your reverse mortgage

Did you know you can refinance and change reverse mortgage providers - and its easy!

Refinancing can potentially save you money with lower interest rates and may even allow additional features and increased capital to be withdrawn based on your current property price.

Whether you're with a big reverse mortgage provider, or a small one - see if refinancing makes sense with our reverse mortgage health check.

Reverse mortgage health check

Is your current interest rate higher than 9.20%?


Would you like access to a line of credit as part of your loan and don't already have one (access funds only as you need to and don’t pay interest on undrawn funds)?


Is getting access to additional funds difficult with your current reverse mortgage?


Do you want to borrow more funds?
Use our Home Equity Release calculator to find out how much you could borrow


See how you went

Congratulations on completing your reverse mortgage health check.

Your current loan may already meet your needs.
But if you want to find out more about what Inviva can offer, click below to read about our reverse mortgage or request a call with one of our team.

Congratulations on completing your reverse mortgage health check.

Your current loan could be a good fit, but you might be able to do better.
Click below to see how much you could borrow from Inviva or request a call with one of our team.

Congratulations on completing your reverse mortgage health check.

It could be time to think about refinancing.
Click below to apply or find out more about how Inviva can help.