CASE STUDY: Making Renovation and Retirement Dreams a Reality

Inviva helps Australians 55+ access cash to realise their dreams today—be it to renovate, travel, support grandkids education, or realise other goals.

Happy couple with renovated house
Reading time: 3 min

Frank (63) and Cecilia (62) own and run a small business in Sydney’s inner west. As part of their plan for retirement, the couple bought a small investment property in Shell Harbour with a view to enjoying seaside life in retirement and to be closer to their daughter, Rebecca and her partner and infant children.

Frank and Cecilia plan to sell their business and their Sydney home when they retire in a few years and move to Shell Harbour.  Before doing so, they want to renovate the seaside property with a new kitchen and add extra bedrooms to host their grandkids or, when the time comes in future, in-home nursing staff.

Frank and Cecilia’s assets are largely tied up in the business and two properties.  With building costs on the rise, Frank and Cecilia realised they didn’t have enough free cash to go ahead with the build and thought they would have to scale back or delay the renovation.  

That’s where Inviva came in.

How Inviva Helped

Frank and Cecilia came to us after hearing about Inviva from friends. They took out Inviva's home equity release loan for $240,000, secured against their Sydney home. They plan to repay the loan when they retire.

“The loan has given us the confidence to go ahead with the renovations, and the peace of mind to know that even if things get tight with the business in the next few years, we won’t end up cash-strapped. We’ll have plenty of money available to repay the loan when we eventually sell the business.” - Frank

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